Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (970) 460-8494

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    Let me change your mind about therapy

    I enjoy working with young adults to seniors who are leery about seeking help, feel coaxed into counseling, or have had bad experiences in the past. Others tell me they immediately sense my genuineness and non-judgmental character.

    Having graduated with my Master of Education degree in Community Counseling from Colorado State University in 2006, I’ve gone on to earn dual credentials as a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Addiction Counselor. I worked at a community mental health center for more than a decade, exposing me to a multitude of therapeutic mental health and addiction issues and diagnoses, as well as opportunities for training in best-practice evidence-based treatment interventions.

    More recently, I worked as a director of an addiction treatment program specifically focused on opioid use disorders. I have a special interest in working with individuals with substance use disorders of any sort and have yet to see one that is not also accompanied by mood complaints or a history of trauma.

    I agree with the consensus of the medical community in that drug or alcohol addiction is a chronic, relapsing, organic disorder of the brain, similar to Diabetes and other conditions. Recovery requires changes in thinking and behaviors as well as sometimes other interventions, like medication. I also believe that substance use can be just as much of a habit that needs to be broken. Knowledge of leading research is key, and my interventions will include education for you.

    Before starting my private practice I worked for many years in roles like an executive management team member, director, and clinical supervisor in behavioral health settings. I have a special kinship to those who struggle with balancing their drive to succeed career-wise with their desire to enjoy life and loved ones. My own career path, both as an administrator and a practitioner, has only solidified my passion for making meaningful connections with others. I hope I get a chance to do so with you.


    Hear Brooke being interviewed about the
    founding of Mind Refined:


    Reach out to me today!

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